Perfect summer drinks, since it feels like June.
Life is Beautiful
i love the idea of hanging blankets from the wall like that in pretty bright colors.
would it be weird to wear this around all the time? like to rite aid?
i keep having dreams about being in england and every time i'm so so happy wandering around being British.
Cool bathroom. Reminds me of the girls bathrooms at my old high school.
Dear Nicole
Q: What athlete, past or present, do you admire most and why?
A: Charles Oakley, not because of his basketball skills but because of his state-of-the-art car wash solution. There's no streaks, no haze, nothing. That's what I like about him.
Q: How many pets do you have?
A: I think of all Gods creatures as our pets...even Spider Man, who is neither spider nor man...which is weird.
Q: Have you ever thought about taking up competitive eating and why?
A: Hell no. Not until the league of competitive eating relaxes its rules crumbs and other eating debris. I could be quick and I could be tidy BUT I COULD NEVER BE BOTH.
Q: Talk a little about how you developed your first newspaper story.
A: I'm sorry but you did not phrase that in the form of a question.....next.
Oh, there isn't a next.
It’s difficult to remember my thought processes back from when I was a young girl. My loftiest dreams involved how many times I could swivel a hoola hoop around my hips and little else held much importance. Times have changed, but it’s fun to recollect some of the simple things that I hoped for as a child.
1. Freckles.
2. A tree house (preferably with electricity).
3. A younger sister.
4. To win a huge stuffed animal from the carnival.
5. My own cupboard stocked with sugary goodness.
6. A water bed.
7. To wear braces
8. Nerf Gun
9. To double-dutch.
10. To successfully reenact the entire TLC "No Scrubs" dance.
My Kind of Gal
Margaret Gipsy Moth
1951 – March 21, 2010
Simply put, Margaret Moth made an impression.
Given her jet-black hair, thick black eyeliner, black clothes and combat boots (which she often slept in while on assignment), people didn't always know what to think upon meeting her. She was quirky, the sort who excused herself from a social gathering by saying she had to wash her socks. And she was fearless, the kind of woman who not only kept the camera rolling while under fire, but zoomed in on a soldier who was shooting at her.
Colleagues learned quickly to appreciate all that this CNN camerawoman was. Beyond her rich personality, which included deep optimism and kindness, she brought to her profession top-notch technical abilities, unmatched dedication and an approach to work that inspired others to push themselves.
Moth sought out, even demanded, assignments in conflict zones. She barely survived being shot in the face in Sarajevo in 1992, only to go back as soon as she was physically able. The multiple reconstructive surgeries that followed, as well as the hepatitis C she contracted from a consequent blood transfusion, were mere obstacles she moved around.
But more than three years after being diagnosed with colon cancer, her tremendous life journey has come to an end.
More - here
I'm on Fire
The Runaways
It’s not just the up and coming movies that are commanding our attention this month.
It’s also the music—namely, that of The Runaways.
Meet the all-girl rock band who was behind some of the best punk rock music 1975 has heard. Starting at the ages of 16 and 17, the teenage band produced songs like "Cherry Bomb", "Rock n Roll", and "Born to Be Bad" and eventually made world-wide success. “They were powerful women. They wanted to show the world that women could rock too--that women could have success in a place men dominated in.” Maya Gutierrez, junior.
Being one of the first all-girl bands to hit fame, The Runaways' success paved the way for many female artists and bands over the past 35 years including The Go-Go’s, The Donnas and Courtney Love. “[The Runaways were] a young band whose vision has proved highly influential”, as stated by The Guardian.
With both power and success in its streak, the band is now being set onto the silver screen. “The Runaways did what most women didn’t have the guts to do during that time and that was to make a statement,” Nicole Ciencia, senior. Coming out this month, The Runaways tells the story of its namesake band and the age-old tale of sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll. Directed by photographer and music-video director Floria Sigismondi, the movie stars Dakota Fanning who plays the band’s lead singer, Cherie Currie, and Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett.
As the movie quickly becomes one of the most anticipated films, you’d be forgiven for missing it—but there’s a chance to redeem yourself. "To be honest with you, it is literally like I am living a dream and I'm just not waking up. I'm excited that people who knew about The Runaways will get reacquainted with them and the people who had no idea will get a chance to discover them," said Cherie Currie and Joan Jett during their interview with Spin Magazine.
This Motherfella
Turritopsis nutricul, a jellyfish-like hydrazoan, is the only animal known to be potentially immortal.
Today's Viking
And now, just for the sake of historical accuracy in light of the preceding photo story, which is accurate in lots of ways but not so accurate in some key ways, we present an interview with a real, a seriously really real, Viking.
Vice: Hello, Björn M. Buttler Jakobsen, king of Foteviken’s Viking village.
Björn Jakobsen: It’s a city, not a village. I’m king of the only reconstructed Viking city on earth. We’re mostly active during the summer, but there’s a tithing operation all year round.
How accurate is the image we have of Vikings compared with what they actually looked like?
It’s the same as with our perception of cowboys. Everyone thinks they know what a cowboy looked like, that they carried Colt .45s and wore jeans with checkered shirts and a hat. But look at any old American photo and you’ll see that they wore long riding coats and carried regular shotguns. It’s the same with Vikings. The imagery of Vikings depicted in the films and images of modern times is not at all representative of what they actually looked like. For example, the most common assumption is that they wore metal helmets with horns. But metal was very expensive. A sword was worth as much as an estate, so it was something only the richest men had. Regular Vikings wore leather helmets with metal reinforcements, if they could afford it. They had bows, knives, spears and sometimes axes—tools they used in their everyday life for hunting, eating, or chopping wood—that could also be useful for smashing someone’s head in when going to war.
How did women dress?
Much like the men, only not in pants, and when they wanted to dress up they’d wear a pretty apron. Also, anything that emphasized the bosom didn’t appear until the Middle Ages. In medieval times, not only women enhanced their body parts, even men had reinforced crotches on their pants so that it’d look like they had huge packages. They even had fake balls and dicks that they could tie to their underwear.
Did the Vikings initiate that fashion?
No, but the Vikings were obsessed with fertility. It was very much a means of survival because if they didn’t have a lot of kids and some died, they had no one to support them when they were old.
How did this fertility obsession manifest itself? I read somewhere that Viking women carried penis amulets.
I don’t know about that but wedding celebrations, for example, weren’t finished until all the guests had seen the couple make love. Back then the wedding night was an open ceremony. Many old Viking rituals dedicated to fertility are still celebrated in the Nordic countries to this day. Like Blot, a ritual held on the darkest night of the year in December, to celebrate that brighter times are coming. We still celebrate it here at Foteviken.
What did they do on Blot night?
They got drunk and sacrificed animals and people to the gods and then drank the blood of their offerings.
They drank human blood?
Um, well… Let’s stick to animals. They didn’t let anything go to waste and ate the sacrifices afterward. They even made food with the blood, like the black pudding we still eat today.
How should one dress in order to look like a powerful Viking man, like yourself?
To define standing and wealth, you should wear jewelry in silver and gold and fancy fabrics like silk and fur—flamboyant, garish, hard-to-come-by details that were obtained from trading in the Far East. And you should have an impressive beard, as that was the strongest sign of manhood. Also, it’s said that the stronger colors you wore, the richer you were. Red and blue were signs of wealth because they were the most difficult colors to make. For example, the only way to make blue stick to fabric was to mix it with urine from a man who had been partying for three days.
Ha. Yes, you had to cook the fabric in it. I have friends who’ve tried it and apparently it smelled so bad they had to evacuate the house and leave the windows open for two days. Cooked male urine does not smell good.
How about red dye?
The most colorful red was made from squashing a certain kind of Spanish lice.
So was there ever a Viking who was famous for his appearance?
Yes, Harald HÃ¥rfager, which translates as Harald Pretty-Hair. He was, according to the stories, a very beautiful man with long, shiny hair. The others made fun of him for his vanity.
Any final words on Viking clothing?
We’ve acquired most of our knowledge about how Vikings dressed from grave goods, and if you just look at how your grandparents were buried, it was in their best clothes. If I were to travel back in time to the Viking Age wearing the Viking attire I’m wearing, they’d probably think I was a ghost. I might very well be dressed in burial clothes. Nobody knows for sure what Vikings actually looked like. But I think the closest thing to it is still around today: the Sámi people of northern Scandinavia’s traditional clothing.
Thanks, Viking King! See you in Valhalla!
Don't Blink
Alexa Meade thinks completely backwards. Most artists use acrylic paints to create portraits of people on canvas. But not Meade - she applies acrylic paints on her subjects and makes them appear to be a part of the painting!
Meade is an installation artist based in the Washington, DC area. Her innovative use of paint on the three dimensional surfaces of found objects, live models, and architectural spaces has been incorporated into a series of installations that create a perceptual shift in how we experience and interpret spatial relationships.
"I paint representational portraits directly on top of the people I am representing. The models are transformed into embodiments of the artist's interpretation of their essence. When captured on film, the living, breathing people underneath the paint disappear, overshadowed by the masks of themselves."
Self Portrait of the Artist
You Just Got Nicoled
Jean has multiple definitions: a grape eater, a rare kind of sea anemone that can fly, and grinding with a guy. You learn something new everyday!
I got Nicoled.
My personality:
I’m loud when I'm comfortable.
I get a bit tired of myself.
I try my best to be humble.
I cry easily.
I am not afraid of death.
I have a short temper.
For the most part, I love people.
I’m easy to get along with.
I have more friends than enemies.
I’ve smoked. (once)
I clean my room only on Saturday.
My appearance:
I wear makeup.
I wear a piece of jewelry at all times.
I wear contacts.
I wear glasses.
I’ve had braces.
I've never dyed my hair.
I curl my hair everyday.
My ears are small.
I have large feet.
I’m single.
I’m crushin’.
I’m not afraid of being hurt.
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
I’ve been in love more than two times.
I believe in love at first sight.
I believe it is not who you love but that you love.
I’ve beaten up a friend.
I can trust at least five people with my life.
I’ve been on a plane.
I’ve been on a boat.
I’ve left the country.
My sister has died.
I’ve taken a taxi.
I’ve taken a city bus.
I’ve taken a school bus.
I’ve made a speech.
I’ve been in some sort of club.
I’ve won an award.
I listen to country.
I listen to pop.
I listen to techno.
I listen to rock.
I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly and never get tired of it.
I'm not so fond of the radio.
I download music.
I spend at least four hours a day watching television.
I’m in love with Will & Grace.
I’ve seen and like 30 Rock.
I’ve seen and like Nip/Tuck.
I’ve seen and like Parks and Recreation.
I’ve seen and like The L Word.
I’ve seen and like House.
I’ve seen and like The Office.
I’ve seen and like CSI.
I’ve seen and like American Idol.
Family Life:
I get along with both of my parents.
My parents are still together.
I have one sister.
I have one half sister.
I’ve never ran away from my home.
I’ve lied to my parents.
I want to shave my head.
I want dreads.
I use baby and horse shampoo.
I’ve cried in front of a teacher.
I’ve had detention.
I'm an AP student.
I’ve walked out of class.
I’ve skipped an entire day of school.
I’ve failed a test.
I’ve cheated on a test.
I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test.
A teacher has called my parents.
I find teachers to easily be my idols.
Hard to Explain