
Dear Nicole

Hey, this is Nicole Orleans. I want to thank you all for sending me your questions. Now here’s the answers.


Q: If you were to invent your own Crayola Crayon, what color would it be and what would you name it?

A: Well, it would be a cross of pure white and jet black and I would call it Obama Black. Then I would make a president of the crayons. Now that’ some powerful political commentary.


Q: Nicole, how high is the sky?

A: The sky is only as high as your dreams. 2,362 feet.


Q: Who invented beef jerky?

A: His name was Senator James Thomas Willingham Buckman Beef III. I’m positive that was his name…or may have been somebody else.


Q: If you had to choose between yesterday and tomorrow, which would you pick, and why?

A: Oh that’s easy. None of the above. Time is neither an event nor a thing. Carpe Diem!

Thanks for your questions. Keep posting and I’ll be back soon.
All the cool kids, peace what’s up

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nicole!!!!
    It's Danielle. Your cousin.
    Ummm I have a question.
    Why do you feel more comfortable singing in front of strangers instead of someone you know?
