
One Marriage, Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for None

I am less interested in the religious/political "qualifications" of something like proposition eight, and more interested/terrified, by the true root of where the desire for such propositions come from. And you can call it preserving marriage, pleasing God, saving our future, or whatever bold Thomas Hardy novel-esque title card you want to place on it, but this fear, this plan, and this hope of the people behind the proposition comes from hate. I recently, saw "8, The Mormon Proposition" and beheld in the film, a pro prop eight picketer say "I don't want to get fucked in the ass by a queer"...and in my mind, I screamed, "THERE IT IS". Beyond all the propaganda and bull shit, that is the true root of this desire to deny homosexuals happiness and equality. In the eyes of a man like this, they are disgusting, vile, and perverted creatures of sin. Well, on a personal note, I am surrounded by gay people. Singles, couples, families, artists and accountants, and, hey, guess what, my ass hole is doing just fine. It's been un-intruded! It's almost as if, oh my, it's not a fucking infectious disease.

Now, those last few sentences were rather accusatory and angry. I do not want that inescapable rout of emotion for me, to cloud what I feel is a rather ambivalent opinion I have on the situation at hand. I respect religious beliefs. Even those that do not pertain to me. The same goes for societal standards. But just as I have never, and neither has my family, gone knocking on the doors of nuns, priests or evangelical crusaders, telling them how their beliefs are wrong, I will not accept those people doing the same to me, and those I care for. When this proposition went through, it blurred the lines of decency, opinion, religion and politics. Something as complex, emotionally driven, and life changing, as a relationship with a power that is deemed to be so much stronger than we little humans could ever be, should NEVER tangle with the likes of paper work, media, mass ruling, money and rudimentary condemnation. This brings me back to what I said about the world I was a part of, making this film in San Francisco. These, yes, even self proclaimed "freaks of nature" that surrounded me, have turned out to be, some of the most decent, kind, understanding, and loving human beings I have ever known. All of those words being the fundamental gifts of Jesus Christ.

It seems, at times, the Americans who hate homosexuals are just as quick to bastardize Hindus. Well, I'm sure they would find a lot more links and holes in beliefs in common than they would hope to find. Women, African Americans, the Handicapped and all of the so called, at one time or another, "second class citizens" have been punished and then years later, as human progression catches up, forgiven and respected. Even if it is only on paper.

I ask of you, my fellow age bracket, to hold on to your beliefs and opinions, whatever they are. But let them be your own. Don't place all of your thinking on a line in the book. Because at that rate, let's go stone the wives. They're of equal importance, those teachings, right? Pretty soon, if you're not listening to the radio or watching Transformers 3, you'll be condemned too. There will be some other line discovered that talks about music played backwards and movies that play at one screen theaters.

I'm sure the three people that might stumble upon this will find many typos, say I'm a raging liberal, ass hole, idiot, west coaster; so be it. I'm just a lady, who has seen so many people: religious, straight, atheist, gay, artist, political, believer, go through the pain and brutality we ourselves ever so deserve.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a gift for all. Let's not abuse it.

To my brothers and sisters, who are gay, straight, preachers, "different", you have my ovte for your happiness. For all we know, it may be short lived, but today was a small victory for all of you as propostitoin eight was overturned, and I celebrate with you on this. I march for you, and I pray for you; may the cruelty of man's judgment some day reach the divine grace.

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