
Dear Nicole

This is Jean Nicole from US of A. Thanks for the questions. I've got the answers.

Q: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

A: I would have to say popcorn because it's a triple threat. It's salty, essential to the movie viewing experience, and it's entertaining to listen to while being prepared.

Q: I think my neighbor wants to date me, but I'm afraid to turn him down because I'll have to see him all the time. What should I do?

A: Move, girl. It's more expensive, but what's a couple of million dollars when it comes to your emotional well-being?

Q: What are your favorite songs to sing when you do karaoke?

A: To be honest, I'm usually not in a singing mood while I'm being intimate.

Q: What are your favorite rainy day activities?

A: Sometimes I'll record an album, other times I'll catch up on sleep, but mainly I like making pudding. It gives me a chance to show of my doily collection.

Q: If Ms. Batchelor and Megan Mullally were boxing against each other, who would you root for?

A: I could not root for neither one of them nor could I attend such an event. (But if you give me $20 I could tell you who to put your money on.)

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