

Right now, in America, they are diagnosing our emotions as a disease. Twenty-two million children, here in America, are on prescription medication and because of that the pharmaceutical industry has lost its true meaning.

Just because a child is hyper and doesn't want to pay attention does not mean that you need to go and put their underdeveloped brain and body on chemicals because they need to "behave" in class. What we need to understand is they are children and they should be hyper and if they are not then there should be a problem. Children have computers, Wiis, all kinds of technology; therefore sitting in a classroom for eight hours, listening to monotoned-teachers talking about math really is boring. Children don't have the problem; it's the school system. As times have changed, traditional teaching methods need to be altered and made a bit more interesting when such advanced technology is competing for a child’s attention.

Putting kids on medications at such a young age is going to damage them in the long run. There are eleven year olds on antidepressants. Everybody is on antidepressants. You have a bad day--they are going to put you on antidepressants. The distribution of such a drug has gone out of control.

We are human beings and we are supposed to feel. We should feel sad, we should feel angry, and we should feel hyper at times. It's normal. That's what distinguishes us as human beings. The only people that are said not to have any emotions are psychopaths and the dead and that's what they are trying to make us into -- a bunch of walking zombies.

I understand that some people’s emotions are a litter higher and their lows are a little lower but there is a way for each person to find a path to deal with his or her emotions. Some could say, "But I have a chemical imbalance." According to studies, the words "chemical imbalance" have been made up by doctors. While you are able to test the iron, there is absolutely no way to test a human's chemicals in their brain. That is only an assumption that doctors are making.

Not only that but when taking medications, they are damaging your emotional immune system and when a real problem comes along this challenging, you have no idea how to deal with it because they are impairing us. They're impairing our judgment; they're impairing the way we deal with life. What we need to understand is the pharmaceutical industry is a billion dollar industry. They make so much money and they have found a way to make even more money by telling us, "You feel like this? You feel like this? You need to get fixed." It's all a scam that many fall for.

What we have to understand is the pain pill, all of these pills being prescribed -- just because it comes from a doctor does not mean that it is safe. And that's the bottom line. I understand if one has to take them alleviate physical pains but there is a limit. In order to know pain, we have to feel pain. I've been through pain, I know, but you can’t always be dependent for that one pill to take away the discomfort. I took them for a while. There was a little hurt left but i dealt with that hurt because that is okay.

Prescription medication kills more people a year than illegal drugs and car accidents put together. Side effects for prescription medication are way worse than side effects for illegal drugs. These facts are more than enough to show that both the distribution of prescription medications and society’s dependency has gone too far. We have forgotten that feelings are supposed to be felt and not be masked by the medical industry’s mass produced pills. I just think it's about time to face reality and realize that you really can't face reality.

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